A new set of LGXSM recombinant inbred (RI) strains is presented. The RI strain panel consists of 18 remaining strains of the original 55 founding strains. Strain characterization is based on 506 polymorphic microsatellites and 4,289 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) distributed across the genome. Average microsatellite inter-marker distance is 4.80+/-4.84 Mb or 2.91+/-3.21 F(2) cM. SNPs are more densely spaced at 0.57+/-1.27 Mb. Ninety-five percent of all microsatellite inter-marker intervals are separated by less than 15.00 Mb or 8.50 F(2) cM, while 95% of the SNPs are less than 0.95 Mb apart. Strains show expected low levels of nonsyntenic association among loci and complete genomic independence. During inbreeding, the RI strains went through strong natural selection on the agouti locus on Chromosome 2, especially when the epistatically interacting tyrosinase locus on Chromosome 7 carried the wild-type allele. The LG/J and SM/J strains differ in a large number of biomedically important traits, and they and their inter-cross progeny have been used in multiple mapping studies. The LGxSM RI strain panel provides a powerful new resource for mapping the genetic bases of complex traits and should prove to be of great biomedical utility in modeling complex human diseases such as obesity and diabetes.