Introduction: In HIV-1-infected children, haematological disturbances include bone marrow abnormalities and peripheral cytopenias. All three major cell lineages can be depressed.
Methods: A cross-sectional study of baseline haematological parameters was undertaken in 68 children with confirmed HIV infection. In all cases, a complete blood count was done and some had CD4+ counts and HIV RNA PCR. The CD4+ count was analysed by the Coulter manual latex particle monoclonal antibody method and HIV RNA PCR by Roche Amplicor Monitor, version 1.5.
Results: Anaemia (< 100 g/L) was present in 77.9%, severe (< 60 g/L) in 5.9%, moderate (60-70 g/L) in 32.3% and mild (80-99 g/L) in 39.7%. The mean haemoglobin concentration decreased as disease progressed (p < 0.05); 6% had leucopenia, 17.5% had neutropenia and 2.5% (one case) had thrombocytopenia; also, the four (6%) subjects with leucopenia were in clinical stages B and C. Neutropenia, lymphocytopenia and thrombocytopenia were seen more in clinical stages B and C, though this relationship was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Both the erythroid and other cells lines are affected by HIV/AIDS and other associated factors. Anaemia is the most common haematological abnormality. The severity of peripheral cytopenias is related to the disease burden.