Dopexamine hydrochloride is a new synthetic catechol that offers a unique profile of adrenergic and dopaminergic activity. In this multicenter, parallel design, placebo-controlled study, 45 patients with functional class III or IV chronic congestive heart failure were randomized to receive a placebo infusion or one of three different doses of dopexamine. After a 2-h dose titration sequence, patients received a 6-h constant dose infusion. During this 6-h period, dopexamine was infused at rates of 1, 2 and 4 micrograms/kg body weight per min in the low, intermediate and high dose groups, respectively. In patients receiving high dose infusion, dopexamine produced a 78% increase in cardiac index associated with a 43% decrease in systemic vascular resistance and 24% increase in heart rate (p less than 0.05 vs. placebo for all three variables). There was a trend (p = NS) toward a moderate increase in cardiac index at low and intermediate doses. In patients randomized to receive dopexamine, right atrial, systemic arterial, pulmonary artery and pulmonary capillary wedge pressures showed minimal change from baseline and did not differ statistically from the placebo response. Very few patients developed adverse reactions related to dopexamine, although five patients randomized to receive high dose and three patients randomized to receive intermediate dose dopexamine required dose reduction because hemodynamic variables exceeded arbitrary safety limits or the patients developed symptoms related to the study medication. dopexamine in higher doses effectively increases cardiac index in association with a reduction in systemic vascular resistance. Additional clinical studies are indicated to evaluate the merits of dopexamine in comparison with other inotropic and vasodilator medications.