The diagnosis and surgical management of insulinomas associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) pose additional problems in children because of the long-term risk of recurrence of other pancreatic and non-pancreatic tumors. We report a diagnostic confirmation by laparoscopic ultrasound of an insulinoma and its successful removal by laparoscopic enucleation in an 8- year-old boy who was admitted to our hospital with a history of recurrent episodes of absences, headache, and visual and auditive disturbances diagnosed as hyperinsulinism-related hypoglycemia. Magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas showed a small contrast-enhancing lesion in the body of the pancreas, suspected for insulinoma. MEN1 was genetically proven by direct DNA testing. A pancreatic tumor can arise before the age of 10 in patients with MEN1 and can be surgically treated by a laparoscopical approach.