Background: The purpose of the study was to describe and quantify the impact of work-related musculoskeletal disorders on workers' caregiving activities.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in which a telephone survey was administered to 187 lost-time workers' compensation claimants from Ontario, of whom 49.2% were women. Forty-eight percent of the injured workers were providing unpaid care prior to the injury.
Results: Injured workers providing caregiving reported an average reduction in time spent in caregiving activities of 5.5 hr/week, 8 months post-injury. A Sex X Return-to-work status ANCOVA was conducted with difference in caregiving hours as the dependent variable, and with the following covariates: Mean number of caregiving hours, comorbidities, site of injury, and education. Independent of weekly hours of caregiving, decreases in caregiving hours were significantly higher if the worker was a woman or had not returned to work.
Conclusions: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders have a significant impact on workers' time spent in unpaid caregiving activities, an example of the social consequences of occupational injuries. Occupational and caregiving roles are limited by work-related disorders in a parallel fashion.