In-Water Recompression (IWR) is defined as a treatment of decompression sickness by immediate underwater recompression after the onset of symptoms in remote areas where hyperbaric chambers are not available. At least three methods of IWR have been published. They used pure oxygen breathing for prolonged periods of time at a depth of 9 m. IWR effectiveness in comparison with standard recompression techniques has not been assessed. IWR should be used in remote localities as an immediate measure to stop the evolution of decompression illness before evacuating the victim for subsequent treatment to the nearest hyperbaric facility. Resulting from environmental conditions, the risks of drowning and hypothermia are the most often quoted, pure oxygen breathing at 9 m can also expose to acute oxygen toxicity. The objectives of this work are: first, to examine existing published methods of IWR; second, to propose a new method of IWR. All published methods of IWR involve victim returning underwater for a long period of time. But dehydration due to a long period of immersion can worsen symptoms of decompression illness and acute oxygen toxicity is also related to the duration of the exposition. In response to these considerations we developed a shorter method of conducting IWR specifically targeted for a diving mission at Clipperton atoll in the Northern Pacific Ocean.