Nonconvulsive status epilepticus is characterized by continuous or near continuous epileptiform discharges on electroencephalography without overt motor or sensory phenomena. It is a symptomatic condition related to a disease such as epileptic encephalopathy or a metabolic disorder. Children with isolated nonconvulsive status epilepticus rarely present with global neurodevelopmental delay. This report describes an 18-month-old male who presented with global neurodevelopmental delay and decreased alertness in whom electrical status epilepticus during sleep, which is a form of nonconvulsive status epilepticus, was determined. Metabolic investigations and cranial magnetic resonance imaging were normal. He began to achieve developmental milestones after treatment with valproic acid. Although rare, pediatric neurologists and pediatricians must be aware of this condition in making the differential diagnosis of global neurodevelopmental delay and decreased alertness.