The families of patients suffering from eating disorders such as Anorexia nervosa (AN) und Bulimia nervosa (BN) are, owing to the illness, subject to considerable emotional strain and are furthermore often characterised by significant structures and patterns of interaction within the family. Consequently the inclusion of patients' family members, whose status can be seen as increasingly gaining in scientific approval, plays an important role within both diagnosis and therapy. Of particular importance is the medical informative discussion with both patients and their parents which takes place in a primarily medical context and aims to develop and increase therapy motivation. For this purpose the doctor should possess basic knowledge concerning dialogue management with families, as will be presented in the current article. Within further stages of the therapeutic process the spectrum of interventions at the level of the family ranges from educational and supportive measures to family therapy in a more narrow sense, which is carried out by specialist psychotherapists either as outpatient-treatment or within the framework of therapy with inpatients of a clinic.