Groups of F344 and Wistar rats were given an intraperitoneal injection of N-hydroxy-3,2'-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl (N-OH-DMAB) at a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight with a 1-week dietary pretreatment with ethinyl estradiol (EE), and this regimen was repeated 10 times at one-week intervals. Additional groups were given N-OH-DMAB 10 times without the dietary EE pretreatment. The total experimental period was 60 weeks. Carcinomas and atypical hyperplasias of the prostate developed in 8 (42%) and 16 (84%) of 19 F344 rats without the dietary EE treatment and in 1 (6%) and 7 (39%) of 18 rats with the EE diet, respectively. No prostatic tumors were found in Wistar rats, although atypical hyperplasias were observed in 6 of 18 rats with and 4 of 8 rats without the EE supplementation. Tumor yields in other organs were extremely low, resulting in good survival of the animals. A comparison of the results with those obtained for DMAB suggests that intraperitoneal administration of N-OH-DMAB in F344 provides a better induction method for models of prostate carcinogenesis.