Background: Since its description, hyalinizing trabecular adenoma (HTA) of the thyroid has been a controversial entity. Some have considered it a unique entity, some have considered it a variant of papillary carcinoma (PC), and still others have considered it a nonspecific pattern that may be seen with a variety of thyroid lesions. Complicating the matter, studies demonstrating metastases have shown entities that do not appear to be HTAs as originally described, and molecular studies showing changes of PC have used methods that are not specific. This study reviews our experience with thyroid lesions that showed at least some histologic features of HTA and presents the immunohistochemical findings for these lesions using antibodies employed for the diagnosis of PC.
Design: Our files were reviewed for all thyroid resection reports describing lesions with hyalinized or sclerotic stroma and a trabecular architecture within the diagnosis or diagnostic comment. All cases were reviewed and classified as either HTA or as different lesions based upon histologic features. Immunohistochemistry with antibodies to HBME1, CK19 and p63 was performed with all lesions and with a series of controls.
Results: Eighteen thyroid lesions with prominent sclerosis or hyalinization and trabecular architecture were identified. Only 4 of these were found to completely match the histologic and cytologic descriptions of HTA by HE review. The other cases showed histologic features more compatible with other diagnoses including cellular adenomatoid nodule (5), follicular adenoma (4), follicular variant of PC (FVPC) (3), and epithelial neoplasm with features of FVPC (2). All HTAs lacked immunoreactivity for HBME1, CK19 and p63. All cases deemed to be adenomatoid nodules, follicular adenomas and epithelial neoplasms showed no immunoreactivity for HBME1 and CK19 and, of these, only a single AN showed immunoreactivity for p63. Cases deemed to be FVPCs showed diffuse immunoreactivity for HBME1 and CK19 and 1 reacted with antibodies to p63. Of control PCs and other thyroid lesions, reactivity for HBME1, CK19, and p63 was observed in 8/8, 7/7, and 7/8 and 3/27, 7/27, and 7/27 cases, respectively.
Conclusions: A sclerotic or hyalinized stroma with a trabecular growth pattern may be seen in a number of different thyroid lesions and, when seen, is usually a focal feature of a lesion other than HTA. Immunohistochemistry may be of assistance as cases of FVPC with prominent hyalinization and trabeculation will show immunoreactivity for HBME1 and CK19, whereas HTAs and other thyroid lesions with hyalinization and trabeculation will not.