Malaria vectors can reach very high densities in villages near irrigated rice fields in Africa, leading to the expectation that malaria should be especially prevalent there. Surprisingly, this is not always the case. In Niono, Mali, villages from nonirrigated areas have higher malaria prevalence than those within the irrigated regions, which suffer from higher mosquito numbers. One hypothesis explaining this observation is that mosquitoes from irrigated fields with high densities are inefficient vectors. This could occur if higher larval densities lead to smaller mosquitoes that suffer elevated mortality. Three predictions of the hypothesis were studied. First, the effect of larval density on larval body size was measured for both Anopheles gambiae Giles and Anopheles funestus Giles. Second, the relationship between larval and adult body size was tested. Third, evidence of an effect of adult size on survivorship in both irrigated and nonirrigated villages during the wet and dry seasons was sought. There was a modest positive relationship between densities of immatures and larval size, and a strong relationship between larval and adult size. Furthermore, adult survivorship was higher in nonirrigated areas. However, there was no effect of size on survivorship between comparable samples from both the irrigated and nonirrigated zones. Although density may have a causal relationship with reduced transmission in the irrigated areas of Niono, it is unlikely to be because higher density leads to smaller body size and lower survivorship.