The pre-steady-state kinetics of the prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase oxygenase reaction with eicosadienoic acids and the cyclooxygenase reaction with arachidonic acid were investigated by stopped-flow spectrophotometry at 426 nm, an isosbestic point between native enzyme and compound I. A similar reaction mechanism for both types of catalysis is defined from combined kinetic experiments and numerical simulations. In the first step a fatty acid hydroperoxide reacts with the native enzyme to form compound I and the fatty acid hydroxide. In the second step the fatty acid reduces compound I to compound II and a fatty acid carbon radical is formed. This is followed by two fast steps: (1) the addition of either one molecule of oxygen (the oxygenase reaction) or two molecules of oxygen (the cyclooxygenase reaction) to the fatty acid carbon radical to form the corresponding hydroperoxyl radical, and (2) the reaction of the hydroperoxyl radical with compound II to form the fatty acid hydroperoxide and a compound I-protein radical. A unimolecular reaction of the compound I-protein radical to reform the native enzyme is assumed for the last step in the cycle. This is a slow reaction not significantly affecting steps 1 and 2 under pre-steady-state conditions. A linear dependence of the observed pseudo-first-order rate constant, k(obs), on fatty acid concentration is quantitatively reproduced by the model for both the oxygenase and cyclooxygenase reactions. The simulated second order rate constants for the conversion of native enzyme to compound I with arachidonic or eicosadienoic acids hydroperoxides as a substrate are 8 x 10(7) and 4 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1), respectively. The simulated and experimentally obtained second-order rate constants for the conversion of compound I to compound II with arachidonic and eicosadienoic acids as a substrate are 1.2 x 10(5) and 3.0 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1), respectively.