The aim was to evaluate the "strategical place" of the new commercial test Chlamylege (Argene-Biosoft-France) which allows the simultaneous detection in respiratory samples of Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and most Legionella species using a PCR multiplex. 41 patients with an atypical pneumonia were included, all standard procedures of diagnosis were done and in addition the chamylege test. A pathogen was identified in 12 patients, an other microorganisms than the 3 targeted by our study was found in 8 patients. 4 positive PCR were obtained, 3 with M. pneumoniae and 1 with Legionella pneumophila 1. That means that for 29 patients no aetiology was found. Among them 23 clearly improved under antibiotic treatment. Though that PCR multiplex is an attractive test, easy to perform, sensitive, specific and convenient, we need further studies to approach the place of this PCR test in the diagnosis of multifaceted atypical pneumonia. We also need to know if the cost associated with the microbiological diagnosis (culture, serology, immunofluorescence, urinary antigen test, PCR...) for atypical pneumonia worth value? An algorithm as to be drawn to determine the value of intensive microbiological investigation. An other point to discuss, may be this kind of rapid and multiplex PCR technique could lead to spare the use of some antibiotics.