Galanin is localized within specific cell types of the rat anterior pituitary gland (AP). Immunocytochemical studies at the light microscope level have shown that lactotrophs, somatotrophs, and thyrotrophs contain galanin in the intact female rat, whereas lactotrophs in the male AP do not. We recently reported that galanin and PRL release from estrogen-treated male and female pituitary cells in culture are coregulated by dopamine, TRH, and somatostatin. This suggested that galanin is stored within secretory granules, conceivably with PRL. Using postembedding immunocytochemistry at the ultrastructural level, the objectives of this study were to: 1) determine the subcellular location of galanin in the AP; 2) elucidate if galanin and PRL are colocalized within the same secretory granules; and 3) compare the cellular localization of galanin in the male and female AP. Male and ovariectomized female (OVEX) Fischer 344 rats were implanted with estradiol-containing or empty Silastic capsules for 2 weeks. Postembedding immunogold labeling was performed using rabbit (for galanin) and guinea pig (for PRL) generated antisera. Two different sizes of colloidal gold spheres were used to localize the hormones in the same tissue section. Galanin was primarily localized in secretory granules of adenohypophyseal cells. Based upon immunocytochemical results and morphological criteria, galanin was contained in somatotrophs but not lactotrophs in the male and OVEX AP. The AP of estrogen-treated rats contained more specific immunogold labeling for galanin than untreated rats. The increased immunoreactivity for galanin was notably associated with lactotrophs. After exposure to estrogen, galanin and PRL were colocalized within the same secretory granules of the male and OVEX pituitary cells. We conclude: 1) galanin is localized within secretory granules of the rat AP; 2) galanin and PRL are colocalized within secretory granules of the male and OVEX AP after estrogen treatment; and 3) galanin is localized in similar cell types in the male and OVEX AP, before and after estrogen treatment. These data provide a morphological basis for the coregulation of galanin and PRL secretion by hypothalamic factors.