Introduction: Congenital laryngeal cysts occur as a result of embryological development anomalies. They are usually situated on the lateral wall of the larynx, in the supraglottic region or on the epiglottis. They are mostly diagnosed in childhood. They are present in 2.4% of population and represent only 7% of all benign laryngeal lesions. Needle aspiration or marsupialization does not give long term results. The most effective and minimally invasive way of treatment is complete excision of the cyst.
Materials and methods: Authors present 2 cases of congenital laryngeal cysts in children. Diagnosis was made during direct laryngoscopy. CT and MR confirmed the cystic nature of the lesions. Endoscopic excision with suspension microlaryngoscopy was performed in both children.
Results and conclusions: In both cases microlaryngeal surgery after diagnostic aspiration was an effective and permanent treatment of congenital laryngeal cyst. It enabled total excision of the lesion and provided the correct function of larynx.