To investigate the process of providing patient positioning in intensive care units (ICUs), a self-reported survey was distributed to a senior physiotherapist and a nurse in each of the 38 Level 3 Australian ICUs. The survey explored the rationales, aims, type, frequency and duration of directed patient positioning used, and perceived risks that may impede the implementation of an effective positioning regime. The response rate was 93%. Fifty nine respondents (83%) agreed that there is an accepted standard of care for the duration of a position change with ventilated patients. Of these respondents, 51 (86%) agreed that the standard is to turn patients every 2 hours, but this was only achievable "more than 50% of the time" in 47% (n=34) of ICUs. Educational and environmental issues were found to impact on positioning practices. Semi-recumbent and full side-lie positions were recommended in the management of a range of patient conditions. However, full side-lie was less commonly used than supine positioning. The prone and head down tilt positions were the least frequently utilised. Levels of agreement for precautions and contraindications to positioning patients into full side-lie and sitting were high. We conclude that, in Australia, experienced ICU physiotherapy and nursing staff are aware of evidence-based positioning practices and agree on indications and potential risk factors associated with positioning. However, educational and environmental resources are needed to improve the frequency and type of positioning used. Results from this survey can now be incorporated into educational tools to facilitate the safe use of positioning.