Purpose: In this study, we used laser capture microdissection (LCM) and microarray hybridization technology to compare the gene expression profiles of mouse embryonic days 10 and 12 lenses (E10 and E12).
Methods: Lens cells of C57/BL6 mouse embryos at E10 and E12 were harvested using the PixCell II LCM System. Total RNA was extracted, amplified, labeled, and hybridized to the 430 2.0 mouse chip (Affymetrix) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Data extracted from the images were analyzed using different software programs. Regulated expression of selected genes was confirmed by real-time PCR (RT-PCR).
Results: Analysis of the microarray data from E10 and E12 lenses identified 1,573 genes that showed a two fold or greater change in expression level. Among these 1,573 genes, 956 genes were downregulated and 617 were upregulated in E12 lenses. In addition to the upregulated expression of beta- and gamma-crystallin genes, genes that regulate the cell cycle showed significant changes of gene expression during the E10 (lens pit) to E12 (primary fiber cell induction) time period. Genes involved in insulin-like growth factor (IGF) signaling and Wnt (a family of secreted glycoproteins related to the Drosophila segment polarity gene, wingless, and to the proto-oncogene, int-1) signaling were also differentially regulated. In particular, positive regulators of Wnt signaling were downregulated and negative regulators were upregulated, indicating that modulation of Wnt signaling is important for normal lens morphogenesis.
Conclusions: Our results provide new information about differential regulation of gene expression during early lens development. Analysis of global gene expression profiles in embryonic mouse lenses has allowed us to identify several molecular pathways that are differentially regulated during early lens development.