Background: Many methods of managing the fasciocutaneous radial forearm free flap (RFFF) donor site have been described. Ideal management would be technically easy to perform, reliable, cost-effective, and prevent further complications.
Methods: The clinical records of 54 consecutive patients undergoing RFFF surgery by the senior author were reviewed. Records were reviewed to identify donor sites with significant breakdown that required intervention.
Results: Fifty-four patients were identified. Only 1 patient had significant tendon exposure. A V to Y closure was performed. The site healed well following this procedure and no further intervention was required. No other donor site complications were noted in this group.
Conclusion: The incidence of wound breakdown requiring surgical intervention at the RFFF donor site is less than 2% utilizing a simple technique of split thickness skin grafting, bolster, and short-term splinting. This study demonstrates the low donor site morbidity of the RFFF.
(c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 2007.