Background: The objective of this study was to determine the incidence and outcome of perioperative cardiac arrest (CA) in children younger than 18 yr undergoing anesthesia for noncardiac and cardiac procedures at a tertiary care center.
Methods: After institutional review board approval (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota), all patients younger than 18 yr who had perioperative CA between November 1, 1988, and June 30, 2005, were identified. Perioperative CA was defined as a need for cardiopulmonary resuscitation or death during anesthesia care. A cardiac procedure was defined as a surgical procedure involving the heart or great vessels requiring an incision.
Results: A total of 92,881 anesthetics were administered during the study period, of which 4,242 (5%) were for the repair of congenital heart malformations. The incidence of perioperative CA during noncardiac procedures was 2.9 per 10,000, and the incidence during cardiac procedures was 127 per 10,000. The incidence of perioperative CA attributable to anesthesia was 0.65 per 10,000 anesthetics, representing 7.5% of the 80 perioperative CAs. Both CA incidence and mortality were highest among neonates (0-30 days of life) undergoing cardiac procedures (incidence: 435 per 10,000; mortality: 389 per 10,000). Regardless of procedure type, most patients who experienced perioperative CA (88%) had congenital heart disease.
Conclusion: The majority of perioperative CAs were caused by factors not attributed to anesthesia, in distinction to some recent reports. The incidence of perioperative CA is many-fold higher in children undergoing cardiac procedures, suggesting that definition of case mix is necessary to accurately interpret epidemiologic studies of perioperative CA in children.