Recent technical advances in echo-planar magnetic resonance (MR) imaging prompted an investigation of these new techniques in pancreatic MR imaging and evaluation of bowel lumen enhancement with an aqueous bowel contrast agent. In 42 subjects (36 healthy, six with pancreatic disease), various T1-weighted inversion-recovery and T2-weighted spin-echo fat-suppressed pulse sequences were assessed with an echo-planar technique implemented with a modified clinical MR imager. Single-excitation imaging (echo time, 26 msec) provided a higher (P less than .05) signal-to-noise ratio than did conventional spin-echo and all other echo-planar techniques. In 13 (72%) of 18 healthy subjects who did not undergo administration of the contrast agent, the entire pancreas was distinguished from adjoining bowel. In all 18 subjects who underwent contrast-enhanced imaging, a significantly greater (P less than .05) intraluminal signal intensity was apparent with all echo-planar pulse sequences and the entire pancreas was identified. In six patients with pancreatic disease, lesions could be identified by their difference in signal intensity.