During 1998 and 1999, a purposive sample of Ontario dairy herds was enrolled in a study to examine management factors associated with adherence of an external teat sealant. A total of 74 herds were recruited that had previously complied with a provincial Sentinel Herd mastitis study. All herds were sent a management survey and a commercially available external teat sealant product. The sealant was applied to all cows in first lactation or greater that were scheduled to go dry. Adherence of the teat sealant was scored on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = sealant completely removed) for the first 12 d following dry off. Complete data were analyzed from 806 cows in 48 herds (mean of 17 cows/herd). Mean duration of adherence of the teat sealant was 4 d (range 1 to 7 d). Of the management factors recorded, only changing the feed to reduce milk production prior to drying off was significantly associated with 0.78-d prolonged adherence. No factors related to dry cow housing, bedding material, or floor surface were associated with the duration of adherence. The variance around the duration of adherence was examined. The median variance of adherence was 3.0 d(2), which was equivalent to a standard deviation of 2.6 d. Herds in which dry cows were housed in tie-stall barns, and the herds that used a penicillin and novobiocin combination dry cow antibiotic had the greatest variation. We concluded that modifying the ration to reduce milk production enhanced adherence of an external teat sealant. Teat-end preparation prior to application of the teat sealant is an important factor to consider when choosing to adopt this dry period mastitis prevention strategy. This study demonstrates that beyond cow- and quarter-level factors, herd management factors can influence the duration and variation of sealant adherence experienced among different herds.