The complete nucleotide sequence of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) PAV-CN genomic RNA was determined. This represents the seventh complete genome sequence of a BYDV-PAV serotype. The genome organization of PAV-CN was comparable to that of other BYDV-PAV serotypes, but the nucleotide sequence of full genome was only 76.9-80.3% similar. Sequence similarity of individual open reading frames and untranslated regions (UTR) between PAV-CN and other PAV isolates ranged from 37.9 to 98.2%. Overall, PAV-CN was most similar to BYDV-PAS, which belongs to one of two distinct species within the PAV serotype of BYDV, although the 5' UTR and ORF1 of PAV-CN was most similar to BYDV-GAV, another member of the genus Luteovirus that is not serologically related to BYDV-PAV. These data suggest that PAV-CN may have undergone a recombination event with GAV and that PAV-CN represents a third distinct species within the PAV serotype of BYDV.