Two months after receiving a cadaveric renal allograft, a 36-year-old woman received a parathyroid allograft from a living unrelated donor, who was haploidentical to the renal donor. Her preoperative 24-hour urinary excretion of calcium was 0.18 gm/24 hrs, and after operation it decreased to 0.004 gm/24 hrs, (normal, less than 0.20 gm/24 hrs). The C-terminal parathyroid hormone level increased from 155 pg/ml (normal, 275 to 675 pg/ml) to 327 pg/ml after operation. The N-terminal parathyroid hormone level in her grafted arm has varied between 2.5 to 10 times the level in her nongrafted arm. Thirteen years later, both allografts are functioning normally. To our knowledge, this is the longest functioning parathyroid allograft.