Recent data from DOPPS in the field of the mineral metabolism showed that there is a relative homogeneity between most of the countries and continents studied. In reference to the American recommendations (NKF-K/DOQI 2003) the majority of the patients are apart from the desired targets. Approximately 70% of the patients have a relative biological hypoparathyroidism (PTHi<150 pg/ml) or a hyperparathyroidism (PTHi > 300 pg/ml). Only 4.7-5.5% of the patients are in the standard targets, for the four criteria which are: the calcemia, the phosphatemia, serum calcium-phosphorus product and PTH. Many open questions remained to explain why such an overall homogeneity, and why there is such an important inadequacy with the recommendations. In the present work we compared the data of our hemodialysis patients with data from DOPPS I and DOPPS II.