The endoribonuclease L (RNase L) is the effector of the 2-5A system, a major enzymatic pathway involved in the molecular mechanism of interferons (IFNs). RNase L is a very unusual nuclease with a complex mechanism of regulation. It is a latent enzyme, expressed in nearly every mammalian cell type. Its activation requires its binding to a small oligonucleotide, 2-5A. 2-5A is a series of unique 5'-triphosphorylated oligoadenylates with 2'-5' phosphodiester bonds. By regulating viral and cellular RNA expression, RNase L plays an important role in the antiviral and antiproliferative activities of IFN and contributes to innate immunity and cell metabolism. The 2-5A/RNase L pathway is implicated in mediating apoptosis in response to viral infections and to several types of external stimuli. Several recent studies have suggested that RNase L could have a role in cancer biology and evidence of a tumor suppressor function of RNase L has emerged from studies on the genetics of hereditary prostate cancer.