Jembrana disease virus (JDV) is a lentivirus associated with an acute disease syndrome with a 20% case fatality rate in Bos javanicus (Bali cattle) in Indonesia, occurring after a short incubation period and with no recurrence of the disease after recovery. Partial regions of gag and pol and the entire env were examined for sequence variation in DNA samples from cases of Jembrana disease obtained from Bali, Sumatra and South Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo. A high level of nucleotide conservation (97-100%) was observed in gag sequences from samples taken in Bali and Sumatra, indicating that the source of JDV in Sumatra was most likely to have originated from Bali. The pol sequences and, unexpectedly, the env sequences from Bali samples were also well conserved with low nucleotide (96-99%) and amino acid substitutions (95-99%). However, the sample from South Kalimantan (JDV(KAL/01)) contained more divergent sequences, particularly in env (88% identity). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the JDV(KAL/01)env sequences clustered with the sequence from the Pulukan sample (Bali) from 2001. JDV appears to be remarkably stable genetically and has undergone minor genetic changes over a period of nearly 20 years in Bali despite becoming endemic in the cattle population of the island.