Background: To describe the cytologic findings of a case of ganglioneuroblastoma metastatic to the jaw and neck.
Case: A 15-year-old boy with a known case of ganglioneuroblastoma of the kidney for the previous 10 years manifested by right mandibular and neck masses on 2 occasions 1 year apart was diagnosed with metastatic ganglioneuroblastoma by fine needle aspiration (FNA). FNA showed neurofibrillary material, small malignant cells, Homer-Wright rosettes. mononucleated, binucleated and multinucleated ganglion cells and Reed Sternberg-like ganglion cells. Metastatic ganglioneuroblastoma was diagnosed on both occasions, and the patient received appropriate treatment, with resolution of the lesions.
Conclusion: This case illustrates the FNA findings of metastatic ganglioneuroblastoma in the head and neck region.