Formative feedback is an essential component of effective teaching and learning. Without it, the learner flounders. Furthermore, the Liaison Committee on Medical Education requires formative feedback within the clerkship and specifies that students must have the time and ability to remediate deficiencies before completing the clerkship. Few articles in the medical literature address how to give effective feedback. However, the themes within these articles are consistent. Formative feedback should be an interactive activity between the teacher and learner. Feedback must be approached with mutual respect and should be provided in a safe environment. Quality feedback is timely, specific to the situation, constructive, based on direct observation and nonjudgmental. With effective feedback, learners (and teachers) can discover what to improve, as well as which behaviors and skills to reinforce and augment. Learners appreciate and request specific feedback. In addition, learners tend to rate teachers who provide feedback more highly than they rate teachers who do not provide feedback. This article in the "To the Point" series will focus on the components of effective feedback and provide a practical and effective approach to giving feedback.