Adult female western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) were exposed 12-24h to bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and impatiens (Impatiens wallerana) leaf disks treated with Beauveria bassiana conidia and then transferred to clean bean or impatiens at various times post-treatment. Significantly greater levels of fungal infection were observed when thrips were treated on bean versus impatiens, but exposure to impatiens following treatment had no effect on fungal infection (percent mortality). This result, combined with observations of no inhibition of germination of conidia exposed to intact or macerated impatiens foliage, indicated that the negative effect of the impatiens host plant was not due to plant chemical compounds (antibiosis). Further observations revealed that insects acquired (picked-up) 75% more conidia from treated bean disks than from treated impatiens disks. This difference in dose acquisition was determined to account for the observed difference in percent mortality (15%) following treatment on the two host plants. Median lethal doses (LD(50)) of B. bassiana were not significantly different on the two host plants, but median lethal concentrations were nearly 7-fold greater on impatiens. This difference was explained by disproportionate rates of conidial acquisition at measured rates of conidial deposition (an inverse relationship was observed between application rate expressed as conidia/mm(2) and the number of conidia acquired). The mechanism underlying the differential rates of conidial acquisition from bean versus impatiens was not determined.