Background: Cardiovascular disease remains the most common cause of death in the industrialized world. The REACH study is an international registry of outpatients from 44 countries, including Israel, with risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity or with stable atherosclerotic clinical syndromes.
Objectives: To compare the prevalence and treatment of cardiovascular risk factors between Israeli patients enrolled in REACH and international controls.
Methods: Consecutive eligible outpatients aged 45 years or older with established coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, or peripheral arterial disease, or with at least three atherosclerosis risk factors were enrolled.
Results: Altogether, 381 Israeli patients were enrolled in the registry. The mean age of the Israeli participants was 70 years and 71% were men. Among the Israeli patients there was a higher percentage with hypercholesterolemia (86% vs. 72%) who were overweight (45% vs. 40%) and obese (69% vs. 47%), but fewer former smokers (33% vs. 42%). The percentage of patients with hypertension taking at least one medication was similar in the two groups, but there was a difference regarding which antihypertensive was used. Israeli patients took more beta-blockers (62% vs. 49%) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (60% vs. 48%) but fewer angiotensin II receptor blockers (12% vs. 25%). A higher percentage of Israeli patients were taking at least one antiplatelet agent (88% vs. 79%) and a higher percentage of patients from Israel were on statins (85% vs. 69%).
Conclusions: Israeli patients with atherothrombotic disease had a higher prevalence of hypercholesterolemia and obesity than other patients and were treated appropriately compared to patients from other countries.