Background: Osteomas of the paranasal sinuses are benign, slow-growing bone tumours with preferred localization in the frontal sinus. They often remain asymptomatic and are found by chance in x-ray examination. Clinical manifestations include headache and orbital complications.
Case report: We describe the case of a 54-year-old male patient who, based on an osteoma of the frontal sinus, developed an acute frontal sinusitis complicated by subdural empyema. Therapy consisted of two operative interventions.
Conclusions: Aetiogenesis of paranasal osteomas is still unclear. Inspite of their slow growth, these tumours can lead to fulminant clinical situation. Choice of operative procedures depends on size and localization of the osteoma. Endocranial complications caused by obstructing osteoma of the frontal sinus must be considered.