Uromyces appendiculatus is a rust fungus that causes disease on beans. To understand more about the biology of U. appendiculatus, we have used multidimensional protein identification technology to survey proteins in germinating asexual uredospores and have compared this data with proteins discovered in an inactive spore. The relative concentrations of proteins were estimated by counting the numbers of tandem mass spectra assigned to peptides for each detected protein. After germination, there were few changes in amounts of accumulated proteins involved in glycolysis, acetyl Co-A metabolism, citric acid cycle, ATP-coupled proton transport, or gluconeogenesis. Moreover, the total amount of translation elongation factors remained high, supporting a prior model that suggests that germlings acquire protein translation machinery from uredospores. However, germlings contained a higher amount of proteins involved in mitochondrial ADP:ATP translocation, which is indicative of increased energy production. Also, there were more accumulating histone proteins, pointing to the reorganization of the nuclei that occurs after germination prior to appressorium formation. Generally, these changes are indicative of metabolic transition from dormancy to germination and are supported by cytological and developmental models of germling growth.