The variables were analyzed longitudinal anthropometric that measures the dimension and corporal composition of students of the first Stage of Basic Education of the Educative of the Grand Colombia Educational Unit. The analyzed variables they were: Age, Sex, Weight (W), Height (H), Circumference (AC), Index of Corporal Mass (CMI), cutaneous fold: Triceps (TrP) and Subescapular (SeP), Muscular Area (AM) and fatty Area (FA). 141 children were evaluated with age of beginning to the 6 and 8 years with pursuit of four annual measurements. It was applied a sampling stratified random with equal afijación. The scholars were measured following the techniques established and accepted internationally he stops such aim. One settled down as point of cut between percentiles 10 and 90. Used values of reference were those of the Cross-sectional Study of Caracas (ETC) and of the Longitudinal Study of Caracas (CSCMA). In the analysis longitudinal it was applied to the method "Tracking" and the statistical Kappa in order to determine the channel of growth in each boy and the speed was evaluated of growth of the students. In the four evaluated groups, W and the H have biggest trackng indices with respect to the others variables. The tracking index was constant (Kappa = 0.25) for all the variables and all the groups, opposite situation to the global Kappa, as it was located in the category of "G ood" (Kappa = 0.40 to 0.75) for the W and H in all the groups of evaluated scholars. The AC in the girls of both series of ages and in CMI, only in the girls with follow-up at 6 years canalization is observed "Good". One stayed in "Low" (Kappa = < 0,40) in all the sample of students the TrP, SeP, MA and FA. Variables of corporal dimension register good canalization, unlike the variables that measure corporal composition, which are located in loss canalization. The girls of both groups register greater speed of growth in Weight that the boys. The values of the average in the W and H, in evaluated students, end speed (S3) he is superior to initial speed (S1), therefore, the speed of growth it increases with the age. The maximum speed of growth is registered in the S3. In the evaluated students the variables that better they canalize are those of corporal dimension, is inferred, that corresponds to a growth pattern hoped.