Activating mutations of Ras gene families have been found in a variety of human malignancies, including lung cancer, suggesting their dominant role in tumorigenesis. Many studies have showed that the Kras gene is activated by point mutations in approximately 15-20% of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs), however, there are only a few reports on Nras mutations in NSCLC. We have genotyped Nras mutation status (n=195) and Kras mutation status (n=190) in surgically treated lung adenocarcinoma cases. The presence or absence of Nras and Kras mutations was analyzed by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with mutation-specific sensor and anchor probes. EGFR mutation status at kinase domain has already been reported. Nras mutation was found in 1 of 195 patients. This mutation was a G-to-T transversion, involving the substitution of the normal glycine (GGT) with cystein (TGT) and thought to be a somatic mutation. The patient was male and a smoker. Kras mutant patients (11.1%; 21/190) had a significantly worse prognosis than wild-type patients (p=0.0013). Eighty-two EGFR mutations at kinase domain had exclusively Nras or Kras mutations. Although Nras gene mutation might be one of the mechanisms of oncogenesis of lung adenocarcinoma, this was a very rare event. Further studies are needed to confirm the mechanisms of Nras mutations for the sensitivity of molecular target therapy for lung cancer.