The highly diversified variable regions of immunoglobulin (Ig) molecules contain immunogenic determinants denoted idiotopes. We have previously reported that T cells from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients recognize IgG from autologous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and mapped a T-cell epitope to an IgG idiotope. To test the ability of CSF IgG molecules to elicit a broad polyclonal T-cell response in MS, we have analysed T-cell responses in the blood and CSF against idiotope peptides spanning complementarity determining region (CDR) 3 and somatic mutations within the variable regions of monoclonal CSF IgG. Consistent with a diversified idiotope-specific T-cell repertoire, CD4(+) T cells from both patients recognized several idiotope peptides presented by HLA-DR molecules. Mutations were critical for T-cell recognition, as T cells specific for a mutated CDR1 peptide did not recognize corresponding germline-encoded peptides. One T-cell clone recognized both an idiotope peptide and the B-cell clone expressing this idiotope, compatible with endogenous processing and presentation of this idiotope by B cells. These results suggest that mutated CSF IgG from MS patients carry several T-cell epitopes, which could mediate intrathecal IgG production and inflammation in MS through idiotope-driven T-B-cell collaboration.