There have been conflicting reports over the JAK2-V617F mutation status of platelets in chronic myeloproliferative diseases (CMPDs). The aim of this study was to analyse JAK2-V617F status, not only in granulocytes but also in platelets. The JAK2-V617F mutation was analysed in both granulocytes and platelets in 115 patients with CMPDs using direct sequencing. JAK2-V617F was detected in granulocytes from 71 of those patients, all 71 of whom also had platelet JAK2-V617F expression. The remaining 44 patients showed negative JAK2-V617F expression on granulocytes, but positive JAK2-V617F expression was detected on the platelets from nine of the 33 essential thrombocythaemia (ET) patients, one of the eight polycythaemia vera patients, and two of the three primary myelofibrosis patients. When ET patients were divided into three groups according to granulocyte and platelet JAK2-V617F status (both-positive, platelets-only positive and both-negative), the both-positive and platelets-only positive groups shared the clinical features of higher white blood cell count and frequent thrombosis. These results suggest that analysis of platelets is a more sensitive approach for detecting JAK2-V617F in CMPD patients than analysis of granulocytes. They also suggest that previous reports of the incidence of JAK2-V617F in CMPD patients, obtained using only analysis of granulocytes, could be underestimations.