In order to provide a foundation for comparison across species of glandular kallikrein genes, we have studied the 12 functional mouse genes on the basis of expressing cell types, developmental patterns of expression and gene response to hormonal induction. We have shown expression of the renal kallikrein gene in the female anterior pituitary, the thick ascending limb of renal cortical distal tubules, nasal glands of neonatal mice and at varying levels throughout the duct tree of major salivary glands of immature and adult mice, except for intercalated ducts. This gene did not respond to hormonal induction in salivary glands. The other 11 of the 12 genes are expressed in androgen-responsive cells of granular convoluted tubules of the submandibular salivary gland from 22 days postnatal, when sexual dimorphism of expression first becomes apparent. Expression of these genes is induced prematurely in 22-day-old mice by treatment with testosterone or thyroxine. In the adult female mouse, estrogens also induce elevated levels of expression. One of the glandular kallikrein genes is expressed in Leydig cells of the testis as well as the submandibular gland. This study has extended the basis for cross-species comparison of glandular kallikrein genes.