Emergency specific prevention of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) by using homologous immunoglobulin is an important element in the package of controlling measures against this viral natural and focal infection. There are annually a few hundred thousand referrals for health care facilities for tick bites. Their maximum coverage tactics via immunoglobulin prevention is medically unreal and unjustifiable. The paper presents the results of a long-term application of another approach based on preliminary rapid studies of the ticks taken from victims or the blood of patients in the period of possible development of virusemia and preventive immunoglobulin use only in the persons bitten with TBE virus-infected ticks. Examination of the material available from more than 56 thousand referrals indicated the high epidemiological (more than 99%) and economic effectiveness of the target administration of an immunological drug. By taking into account the accumulated data on a wide spread of combined foci of TBE and other tick-borne infections and the authors' own experience, it is suggested that it is necessary to organize a comprehensive differential laboratory diagnosis and emergency prevention against the whole complex of Ixodes tick-borne infections.