Within the first 24h of hormonally stimulated adipocyte differentiation, murine 3T3-L1 preadipocytes undergo a mitotic expansion phase prior to terminal differentiation. During this time, the cell cycle regulatory proteins, p130 and p107 undergo dramatic differential expression and the transient increase in expression of p107 appears to be required for terminal differentiation. Recently, human adipose-derived human stem cells (hASC) of mesenchymal origin have been used as a model of human adipocyte differentiation and we sought to determine if differentiating hASC undergo clonal expansion and if the regulated expression of p130/p107 was similar to that observed during 3T3-L1 adipogenesis. Results indicate that differentiating hASC, unlike 3T3-L1 cells do not undergo clonal expansion and p130 expression gradually diminishes across differentiation. However, p107 expression is transiently increased during hASC differentiation in a manner analogous to 3T3-L1 cells suggesting a similar role for p107 in terminal differentiation in human adipocytes.