Ninety hundred seventy-eight female textile workers exposed to noise (greater than or equal to 85 dB (A)) were recruited as the subjects of observation group, and 402 nonexposed female workers were chosen as the controls (less than 75 dB (A)). According to noise level, the observation group was subdivided into three groups: group 1, 100-104 dB (A), 416 workers; group 2, 95-99 dB, (A), 310 workers; group 3, 85-94 dB (A), 252 workers. Non-conditional logistic regression model was used to exclude the effect of mixed factors, such as age and working life. The result showed that noise-exposure could have some adverse effect on reproductive function of women and embryo growth. The workers exposed to noise had significantly increased incidence rates for irregular menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea, lumbago, hypertension in pregnancy, threatened abortion, spontaneous abortion, premature labour, dystocia and low birth weight of newborns. When the noise intensity heightened, the sorts of abnormal function of reproduction increased and the risk of incidence raised too. These demonstrated a dose-response relationship between the noise intensity and incidence rate. The noise-working life had significant effects on the incidence of hypertension in pregnancy and prematurity. Although the age had some influence, it was not statistically significant. In terms of the maternal function and embryo growth, the factors in order of risk are: noise intensity greater than working life greater than age.