Scalar-based two-dimensional heteronuclear experiments are reported for NCO and NCA chemical shift correlation in the solid state. In conjunction with homonuclear CACO correlation, these experiments form a useful set for tracing connectivities and assigning backbone resonances in solid-state proteins. The applicability of this approach is demonstrated on two proteins, the β 1 immunoglobulin binding domain of protein G at 9.4 T and reassembled thioredoxin at 14.1 T, using different decoupling conditions and MAS frequencies. These constant-time J-based correlation experiments exhibit increased resolution in the indirect dimension owing to homonuclear and heteronuclear decoupling, and because the indirect evolution and transfer periods are combined into a single constant time interval, this increased resolution is not obtained at the cost of sensitivity. These experiments are also shown to be compatible with in-phase anti-phase (IPAP) selection, giving increased resolution in the directly detected dimension.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.