The aim of this paper is to determine and compare the environmental factors controlling vertical colonisation of periphyton on Sparganium erectum in a shallow eutrophic turbid lake, Manyas Lake, and an oligo-mesotrophic deep lake, Sapanca Lake, Turkey during the July 1997--November 1998. To investigate the effect of the environmental factors on periphyton colonization on S. erectum, the stem was cut above the rhizomes and subdivided into three equal sections. Multivariate statistical analyses have been applied to clarify relationships between environmental variables and periphyton colonization on S. erectum. Results indicated that physical disturbance and trophic level of the lakes influenced the colonization of the periphyton. Among the measured parameters, low light intensity, total suspended solids, temperature and water level fluctuation were observed as driving factors in Manyas Lake whereas nutrient deficiency was found as key factor in Sapanca Lake. The zonation of the periphyton, density, composition and dominant/subdominant taxa were significantly different in these lakes. However, Oedogonium sp., Mougeotia sp., Cylindrocapsa sp., Cladophora glomerata (Linn.), Aulacoseira italica (Ehr.) Simonsen, Melosira varians C. Agardh, Navicula tripunctata (O.F. Müller) Bory and Fragilaria ulna (Nitzsch) Lange-Bertalot were found as dominant species at all sections of S. erectum both in Manyas Lake and Sapanca Lake. It can be thought that these species have a broad range of tolerance to several physical, chemical and hydrologic disturbances. This is the first study to introduce how much the water quality and hydrologic drivers have affected vertical colonization of periphyton on S. erectum in two lakes with different mixing regimes.