A 63-year-old woman was diagnosed as having a sigmoid colon cancer with synchronous unresectable multiple liver and lung metastases. After sigmoidectomy, she was treated with S-1 combined with CPT-11 as a down-staging chemotherapy. After 3 courses of chemotherapy, the liver and lung metastases reduced in size as partial response. In March 2005, extended right hepatectomy combined with MHV resection was performed. She was treated with 2 courses of chemotherapy after hepatectomy, and furthermore she underwent left lung upper lobectomy. She has been alive without any signs of recurrence for 33 months from the initial surgery. Recently, a progression of the systemic chemotherapy for colorectal cancer has been a promising modality to improve a poor prognosis for unresectable multiple liver or extrahepatic metastases from advanced colorectal cancer.