This review of the current scenario of celiac disease (CD) in India covers both pediatric and adult CD. CD is primarily reported from northern India with isolated case reports from the rest of the country. CD cases among Indian children are associated with multiple DR3-DQ2 haplotypes. Delay in diagnosis is contributed by multiple factors including atypical presentations. Use of serological tests, IgA EMA and anti-tTG antibodies, along with modified ESPGHAN criteria provides a definitive diagnosis of CD. Dietary management is often difficult due to non-availability of labeled and marketed gluten-free foods. A majority of children with CD show normalization of nutrition, substantial improvement in growth parameters and attainment of healthy percentile curves on gluten-free diet. Small bowel histology remarkably improves but does not normalize even after 2-3 years on gluten-free diet. The true burden of the disease should be addressed by large epidemiological studies.