The purpose of this work was to study the feasibility of incorporating functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) information for intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatment planning of brain tumors. Three glioma patients were retrospectively replanned for radiotherapy (RT) with additional fMRI information. The fMRI of each patient was acquired using a bilateral finger-tapping paradigm with a gradient echo EPI (Echo Planer Imaging) sequence. The fMRI data were processed using the Analysis of Functional Neuroimaging (AFNI) software package for determining activation volumes, and the volumes were fused with the simulation computed tomography (CT) scan. The actived pixels in left and right primary motor cortexes (PMCs) were contoured as critical structures for IMRT planning. The goal of replanning was to minimize the RT dose to the activation volumes in the PMC regions, while maintaining a similar coverage to the planning target volume (PTV) and keeping critical structures within accepted dose tolerance. Dose-volume histograms of the treatment plans with and without considering the fMRI information were compared. Beam angles adjustment or additional beams were needed for 2 cases to meet the planning criteria. Mean dose to the contralateral and ipsilateral PMC was significantly reduced by 66% and 55%, respectively, for 1 patient. For the other 2 patients, mean dose to contralateral PMC region was lowered by 73% and 69%. In general, IMRT optimization can reduce the RT dose to the PMC regions without compromising the PTV coverage or sparing of other critical organs. In conclusion, it is feasible to incorporate the fMRI information into the RT treatment planning. IMRT planning allows a significant reduction in RT dose to the PMC regions, especially if the region does not lie within the PTV.