Togue mucosa surface of 3-day postnatal rats was examined under transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM). For HRSEM analysis, the specimens were fixed in the same solution for 24 h, postfixed in 2% osmiun tetroxide, critical-point dried and coated with platinum-palladium. For TEM analysis, the specimens were fixed using modified Karnovsky solution and embedded in Spurr resin. The results revealed the presence of numerous microplicae in the membrane surface of keratinized epithelial cells to which groups of bacteria were attached. These bacteria were staphylococcus and coccus organized either in rows or at random, which were visualized in three-dimensional HRSEM images. At high magnification, the TEM images revealed the adhesion of bacteria to the cell membrane through numerous filamentous structures comprising the glycocalyx. The fine fibrillar structures rising from each bacterium and from cell membrane were clearly seen. These characteristics on bacteria structure may be used for future control or prevention of bacterial diseases and for installation of the oral native flora.