We have correlated transcriptomics, proteomics and toponomics analyses of hippocampus tissue of inbred C57BL/6 mice to analyse the interrelationship of expressed genes and proteins at different levels of organization. We find that transcriptome and proteome levels of function as well as the topological organization of synaptic protein clusters, detected by toponomics at physiological sites of hippocampus CA3 region, are all largely conserved between different mice. While the number of different synaptic states, characterized by distinct synaptic protein clusters, is enormous (>155,000), these states together form synaptic networks defining distinct and mutually exclusive territories in the hippocampus tissue. The findings provide insight in the systems biology of gene expression on transcriptome, proteome and toponome levels of function in the same brain subregion. The approach will lay the ground for designing studies of neurodegeneration in mouse models and human brains.