Background: Both in the recovery room as well as in the intensive care unit post-operative delirium is the most common psychiatric disease. The post-operative delirium is stated in literature to occur in 15 % to 50 % of patients, whereby up to 80 % of patients requiring intensive care with artificial respiration develop a delirium. The delirium correlates with the length of hospital stay and leads to a tripple rate of the six-month-mortality. Nu-DESC, developed by Gaudreau et al. is a measuring instrument for the clinical diagnostics of deliriums which is quickly operable, care-based and which can thus be easily integrated in everyday routine. The aim of this study was the translation of Nu-DESC from English as basis for the use in clinical research and routine.
Materials and methods: The translation process was conducted in accordance with the internationally acknowledged guidelines of Translation and Cultural Adaptation of Patient Reported Outcomes Measures - Principles of Good Practice (PGP). An interim German version was developed from 3 independently devised translations, a back-translation of which was then conducted by a registered state-approved translator. The back-translation was then presented to the author of the original for evaluation.
Results: The back-translation of the German translation was authorised by the author of the original. On the basis of the cognitive debriefing results which were consistently very good to good, the translation process could be finalised and the final German version of Nu-DESC could be passed by the expert team. An evaluation of the German Nu-DESC regarding its practicability showed significant differences between doctors and nursing staff.
Conclusion: The German version of Nu-DESC provides an instrument for evaluating the delirium in the area of clinical routine and research.