An abnormal chest shadow was pointed out in a 56-year-old woman in a health check in 2001. She had pulmonary tuberculosis at age 11. Because of repeated fever for the previous 2 years, she visited our hospital in 2003 and right upper lobe pneumonia was detected with a calcified nodule that completely obstructed the right upper lobe bronchus on CT. After admission, she spontaneously expectorated a stone. The composition of the stone was 57% calcium phosphate and 43% calcium carbonate. Radiological findings and the composition of the stone suggested that this broncholith was calcified bronchial mucus rather than a calcified lymph node that might have perforated into the airway. Bronchiectasis of the right B3 broncus was observed on CT scan after lithoptysis. Although the bronchiectasis was unchanged 2 years later, she had no symptoms, such as fever or cough.