As a strategy to counter the current crisis in staff recruitment and retention in dialysis nursing, a new model of care was designed to introduce Enrolled Nurses (EN) into what was previously almost exclusively a Registered Nurse (RN) workforce. The programme comprises training in medication administration conducted at the Technical and Further Education (TAFE) centre, training in dialysis procedures in the haemodialysis unit and clinical placement in the renal ward. Successful participants were recognised as Endorsed Enrolled Nurses, able to undertake extended roles in renal nursing care. A descriptive study was conducted. Nurses reported a high level of comfort, frequency, preparedness, confidence, competence and control. An audit of patient adverse events was also undertaken. Findings indicated no significant difference in patient admission rates, infection rates, and medication or procedure errors. In this article, the authors describe the design, implementation and evaluation of an educational programme for EN practicing in specialised haemodialysis services.